LCP recognizes that creativity is the Holy Grail for success in marketing. Creativity is what makes you stand out. Creativity is the key to your success. Creativity is the road that takes you through the traffic to your destination or goal. Creativity does NOT mean doing the same old thing because that is what we do. Creativity means doing what it takes to reach a goal. Our Case Studies use creativity to help our clients realize solutions to their real challenges. Success takes a team.
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago is a higher education institution specializing in arts and media disciplines, with nearly 12,000 students pursuing degrees within 120 undergraduate and graduate programs.
When LCP met with the school to present its web-to-print and fulfillment capabilities, the college had no plans to change the way it fulfilled acceptance kits and marketing inquiries. However, that presentation sparked many internal discussions and a follow-up meeting with the director of admissions, who was impressed with LCP’s online solutions and the efficiencies that we offered.
Today, LCP regularly receives data from the college that is imported into LCP fulfillment systems to dynamically generate personalized communications. Interested students and parents who inquire are immediately sent a relevant package based on their interests. For college acceptance kits, customized letters and temporary ID cards are produced and combined with additional components of the appropriate kit, assembled and prepared for mailing to the recipient.

BMW knew that direct mail was an effective and targeted way to reach potential buyers of its new Z4 Series. But the automobile maker also wanted to be better able to track how many people were scheduling a test drive as a result of receiving the direct mail piece.
LCP introduced the company to the idea of using personalized URLs and sophisticated reporting and analytics to close the loop on response and promote follow-through at the dealership. As part of the Z4 direct mail campaign, LCP developed landing pages that allowed BMW to accurately track the activity of each recipient. Through a reporting tool, BMW was able to see who scheduled a test drive and at what dealership. LCP was also able to provide metrics for the campaign that allowed BMW to more accurately calculate campaign ROI and helped to define the business rules for future mailings and call to actions.